Monday, July 19, 2010


Heh.. cakap nak tido tp blum juga ketiduran..
Aiseh ape daaa..

Nah, tb2 mood study photography is on..
Lets study for a few minutes before my eyes blackout (oversleep).. haha

Last weekend was a hectic (hectic? not so..suam2 kuku aja..haha)
Just nak share my activities last weekend..

1 - LSP Conference at PJ Hilton Hotel

OMG, presented a paper..
So many butterflies in my stomach..
Not only in my stomach, but also in my brain..
Arghh..dun like sitting in front of people..
Its scary duh!

one of the presenter!

the conference..

my activity.. duh, an IT student attending linguistics conference.. inilah jadinyer :D

the food.. not so yummy.. uh ruginyer!


2 - Shopping Spree!!

Ngeh, shopping mood on weekend..
Money, money and money..
Eating eating eating..
Love the mood (^_~)

in to the mirror.. which one better? **still wearing slack**

at this time, a lil bleeding coz sum1 try to mess up wif my feeling.. duh slh send msg 'sayang' yg nak bg kt awek br kt his ex.. show off kah? kurang asam jawa tak?

yummy..i luv food :D

my part time job..ngeee **wearing jeans sudah..duh jd dak school yg memonteng pastu tukar baju kt shopping complex..ngee**

full time job.. ngeh!

frenship with lurve

new at Mc D.. GCB.. so yummyyyyy... must try :s

3 - Pesta Floria Putrajaya

Bunga-bunga matahari..
Anggun mekar di taman hati..
Warna bunga setiap hari..

Salah lirik duh..
Suke ati aku je nyanyi..

the pesta..

the bunga..

the mat bunga & minah bunga..sweet couple.. haha

the pretties.. :)

the flower

the flower

the cute girl..

the butterflies

the view

the architecture